Wednesday, October 6, 2010

kga 2 final paper

Ever wondered if the U S government is lying to us? Well they do. In 1953 a secret program was developed called MK ultra. Mk ultra was a mind control program that was developed by director Allen Dulles. The MK ultra program had many purposes; the main purpose however was to control the human mind.
In 1947 it all began running under the direction of Dr. Charles savage, who was a doctor at the Naval Medical Research Institute.  Savage’s duty was to focus on the identification and testing of LSD and other drugs in interrogations and recruitment of agents. They researched on both human and animal subjects. Bluebird the codename for the mind control program ran from 1947 to 1953("MK Ultra -- CIA Mind Control Techniques." Web. 07 Oct. 2010. .).
Project bluebird’s program was to
·         Learn how to condition subjects to withstand information from being extracted from the incase of any known means
·         Develop interrogation methods to exert control
·         Develop memory enhancement techniques, and
·         Establish ways to prevent hostile control of agency personnel ( Stephen Lendman).
During 1951 Project Bluebird had changed its name to Project Artichoke. That didn’t last long until 1953 when it finally changed its name  to Project Mk Ultra. Mk ultra was aimed to control the human behavior through psychedelic and hallucinogenic drugs, electroshock, radiation, graphology, paramilitary techniques, and psycho , social, and anthropological methods, amongst others were a lot of mind experimentations that might work. Tested on subjects willing or unwitting (1975, By Summer. "MK-ULTRA: The CIA's Mind Control Program." The Baltimore Chronicle. Web. 07 Oct. 2010. ).
By the late 50’s there most prolific study on a human subject was accomplish. The fact of being able to manipulate human subjects to become deadly trained assassins. Mk ultra subject of choice was an orphan kid that grew up in a refugee camp in southern Cambodia, at age 7 he was taken from the camp away from his parents. No one knew what happened to him, he simply just vanished. He was taken to a US military base just north of a small town called ko hong.  He was left in solitary for 18 hrs a day. He over went different tests and therapy’s never tested on humans. The test’s lasted several years by the age of 17 he was the first trained assassin created by the United States. He was later to become Mk Ultra trained Assassin 0001. Mk Ultra was brainwashed and manipulated by our government for many years, until one day during his military debriefing he became unstable and could not understand anything that was being said, his mind was like a television set that kept on flipping channels over and over and he remembered everything from his past. He learned later that he was being brainwashed and manipulated to commit these murders. He started to put his thoughts together and figure out why he was the one they chose to be this assassin. His only mission from that day on was to overthrow the government and have them pay for what they had created in him. MK Ultra T.A-0001 is out to seek revenge against the government that led us to believe in the home of the brave and land of the free. It won’t be long before Mk Ultra becomes exposed to the world and we all know the truth ( 12, By Age. "MK ULTRA/Assassin Programming." Online Magazine and Writers' Network. Web. 07 Oct. 2010. .)

Works cited
·         "MK Ultra -- CIA Mind Control Techniques." Web. 07 Oct. 2010. .
·         12, By Age. "MK ULTRA/Assassin Programming." Online Magazine and Writers' Network. Web. 07 Oct. 2010. .
·         "MK-ULTRA: The CIA's Mind Control Program." The Baltimore Chronicle. Web. 07 Oct. 2010. ).

Mk Ultra Trained-Assassin-0001

Friday, October 1, 2010

character concept for mk ultra trained assasin

quick simple concept on a char. design for our kga #2 a bunch of rough drafts done in class hopefully with this idea the final sketches would come out fine.

Mk Ultra Controlling Your Brain

Ever wondered if the U S government is lying to us? Well they do. In 1953 a secret program was developed called MK ultra. Mk ultra was a mind control program that was developed by director Allen Dulles. The MK ultra program had many purposes; the main purpose however was to control the human mind.
In 1947 it all began running under the direction of Dr. Charles savage, who was a doctor at the Naval Medical Research Institute.  Savage’s duty was to focus on the identification and testing of LSD and other drugs in interrogations and recruitment of agents. They researched on both human and animal subjects. Bluebird the codename for the mind control program ran from 1947 to 1953(
Project bluebird’s program was to
·         Learn how to condition subjects to withstand information from being extracted from the incase of any known means
·         Develop interrogation methods to exert control
·         Develop memory enhancement techniques, and
·         Establish ways to prevent hostile control of agency personnel ( Stephen Lendman).
During 1951 Project Bluebird had changed its name to Project Artichoke. That didn’t last long until 1953 when it finally changed its name  to Project Mk Ultra. Mk ultra was aimed to control the human behavior through psychedelic and hallucinogenic drugs, electroshock, radiation, graphology, paramilitary techniques, and psycho , social, and anthropological methods, amongst others were a lot of mind experimentations that might work. Tested on subjects willing or unwitting (

Saturday, September 18, 2010